SubDEEEEEEZ Dragons – Twist: Commons – Hearthstone Paladin Deck

Welcome to the ultimate guide on navigating Hearthstone’s all Commons twist using a compelling Dragon Paladin deck. This unconventional format shakes up the traditional playing style, demanding innovative deck building and strategic gameplay. Here we explore essential tactics and cards that promise to elevate your performance in this competitive environment.

  • Bronze Explorer: A vital early game unit offering invaluable stall potential and the coveted “Discover a Dragon” ability. Key for transitioning into commanding late-game dragons.
  • Bronze Herald: Despite its inefficiency stats-wise, it provides crucial early game card advantage, facilitating impactful turn 5 plays alongside cards like Subdue.
  • Amber Watcher: Exceptional against aggro decks, this dragon’s health restoration capability can be a game-changer, highlighting the importance of balanced deck construction to accommodate these pivotal five-drop slots.
  • Subdue: Deceptively powerful removal spell in a format starving for efficient elimination options, proving indispensable against enhanced threats or in combination with cards like Acolyte of Pain for board control.
  • Explosive Sheep: An excellent tool for dealing with go-wide strategies, fitting seamlessly into the deck’s structure without compromising the survivability of your more significant units.
  • Keeper of Uldaman: Boasting high efficiency, this spell meshes well with Paladin’s utility, offering versatile applications from comboing for board clears to diminishing formidable foes like Twin Tyrants.

In embracing Dragon Paladin within Hearthstone’s all Commons twist, integrating these standout cards and understanding their synergies is fundamental. Anticipate shifts in the gameplay dynamic, leveraging these insights to adapt and outmaneuver adversaries effectively.

# Class: Paladin
# Format: Twist
# 2x (1) Sand Breath
# 2x (2) Explosive Sheep
# 2x (2) Netherspite Historian
# 2x (2) Subdue
# 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 2x (3) Bronze Explorer
# 1x (3) Bronze Herald
# 2x (3) Consecration
# 2x (3) Keeper of Uldaman
# 2x (4) Future Emissary
# 2x (4) Truesilver Champion
# 1x (5) Amber Watcher
# 2x (5) Big Ol' Whelp
# 2x (5) Blackwing Corruptor
# 2x (6) Evasive Wyrm
# 2x (8) Twin Tyrant
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone